PageSection (Misc) Updates

Published by @PageSection
Updated 10 March 2025 • Published 29 April ‎2024

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PageSection provides web applications and services for web creators. This will be our temporary (changelog) document to post some of the minor or major changes to the website and other miscellaneous updates in regards to our products and services. In future versions, we may integrate actual changelog software to track various changes and updates or allow public roadmap and feature-request voting. Currently, this is not a priority as we opt to continue with (private) email support and user requests or feedback. We will continue to post as many relevant monthly or yearly changes as possible within this page.

2025 updates

Analytics feature (stable): The link-analytics feature is now stable and available for all PageSection users. Upload a project to get started or view this blog post for more information. This stable-release update also includes some changes to the interface and format of related components e.g. the analytics button(s) and modal.

Translation (French): Some webpage(s) translations are now deployed and analysis will be made to measure performance. If this proves valuable, then more languages (especially Spanish [ES], German [DE], Arabic [AR], Portuguese [PT] and others) will be considered in order of language popularity.

.well-known directory (public folder) implemented for site-wide metadata access as required by specific domain protocols. This is especially useful when resolving third-party requirements e.g. website domain verifications.

UI/UX improvements: Significant updates were made to the website nav/footer tags improving SEO and usability. Additionally, the one-page checkout is now fully responsive after our third-party providers were requested to fix and resolve inconsistencies.

Considerations are also being made to test out different ad-platforms (such as Facebook and LinkedIn or otherwise) for audience reach. Specific keywords including "direct download link" + "file sharing link" + "stats/analytics" + "webview/web3/gaming/sports" may be targetted as similar landing-pages and content appears to be popular with premium casual and B2C audiences.

December 2024 updates

Analytics feature (beta): Analytics for online preview links — Access project link analytics to see (link views and clicks) stats with information on country, region, city, browser, etc. This feature is powered by secure, GDPR-compliant and trusted third-party providers with Pirsch analytics as default and maybe GoSquared or another if deemed suitable later on. Still a work-in-progress and more information will be provided soon as we pivot to support online document link analytics. Upload any file to get started! Analytics for online preview links

Provided link to customer-portal (for easy cancellation or receipt access) on the pricing page and also included payment-method icons to boost confidence and conversion rates.

November 2024 updates

Implemented one-page checkout to boost conversion rates. Added customer-portal link from payment-providers. Included Merchant-of-Record address information in the website footer for improved disclosure and trust.

Updated and improved payment handling code and various landing pages. Acquired more freelancer written content to use for in-bound leads marketing.

Experimented with different pricing schemes and decided to end (opt-out) free-trials due to unfair use. Paid ad traffic via Google search converted a few customers but at a very high cost with many invalid clicks.

Upgraded preview subdomain functionality to use less memory when handling non-html extensions and heavy file reading.

August 2024 updates

Experimented with different checkout trial offers and CTA taglines which improved conversion rates, however issues of negative trials (e.g. invalid payments, duplicate/multiple accounts, bulk uploads, etc) also increased which implies trials should be kept as short as possible.

Implemented new system for the project (URL) preview links so as to avoid API gateway/timeout errors and improve response speed and accuracy using custom caching and database access.

Improved payments webhook back-end functionality to provide automatic support for different products, quantity and packages after checkout. This includes complete support for one-time purchases with dynamic quantities.

June 2024 updates

Deployed logic changes to automatically disable download link access for user accounts that need extra email verification or accounts that are (manually/automatically) deactived. Developed optimizations for the back-end preview code to make it faster and set custom limitations for specific use cases. In addition, new standard offers are being tested and considered to better serve previews for HTML template design, web3, web gaming (three.js), animations, and other online community niche content.

May 2024 updates

Included the ability to further customize the url preview links. Users can now change the unique (id){CUSTOM}-... part of project preview links. This is optional, allowing more choice and personalization.

Added Google Sign-in SSO support for signup/login access. This may help improve conversion rates for new users and also assist previous users with gmail email addresses.

Made a few other changes including various UI updates for the user upload/projects page, the HTML editor, and more. Attempted different go-to-market strategies but so far none have made a major difference.

April 2024 updates

This was the first complete month using Paddle as a payment provider and merchant-of-record having migrated away from LemonSqueezy as stated in March 2024. We will continue with Paddle and look forward to bringing more features such as the user subscription-portal or improved checkouts when available. During this period, we also provided multiple quality-of-life updates including;

  • The Escape (Esc) button can now be used to navigate backwards when using the HTML Editor making it useful to close modals or change the side-bar menu.
  • Improved HTML Editor landing page to enable faster page speed by controlled resource loading priority. This improves the on-page Search Engine Optimization and user experience.
  • Improved preview HTML indexing for HTML projects that do not contain an index.html page. This change included the use of graphics to proper represent folders and files when viewing the index of improper HTML projects.
  • Improved success and error messaging for the website emails and sign-in functionality. This aims to enable easier onboarding by providing specific and controlled information. Zoho (SMTP) email services are used for email communication.
  • Experimenting with the payment provider checkouts in order to improve conversion rates. The previous dark-mode checkout theme has been changed to light-mode to test viability. Such testing is difficult with limited traffic, but since we managed to get conversions using the dark-mode theme — then we will consider using dark-mode as the default checkout theme if the light-mode testing falters. Paddle currently does not specify which checkout theme is better for conversion rates.
  • Experimenting with the website footer by adding more helpful links to enable users and search engines access specific content. This change started during March 2024 and could help improve on-site SEO and overall user experience.

Get started today!

PageSection provides a variety of web apps and services for web creators. Upload custom HTML projects or use the free sample content writing templates and get started today.

Image tutorial showing the steps to upload html project using

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