An Introduction To PageSection

By PageSection
Updated 31 March 2024 • Published 10 ‎February ‎2021

This is the first official blog page, with some updates and revisions, that is meant to serve as an introduction to PageSection; explaining why, what and how our products and services aim at providing value. Also kindly visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more commonly asked questions that you might be interested in.

First off, thank you for choosing to visit (and hopefully use) this website and any of its products or services. PageSection has been in our control and operation since February 2020, and was originally a website for storing user-created-collections until the year 2021 when we started providing a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings targeting specific needs of web developers and other web users. We plan to create more applications that can provide specific functions and value for our users. Our plan of action; develop a single web-application which if successful will provide capital, users and momentum to develop other web-applications. The initial SaaS application (post 2021, can refer to as PageSection::Host or the upload service) is a simple way to host and link web projects (for example html, css, js, and many more) and receive a web link without the need of setting up or configuring a web server or domains.


PageSection aims at providing a variety of web apps and services for web creators. Our solutions will target specific use-cases and help solve some of the common problems faced by many web developers and content creators.
As a platform for (HTML) website/webpage content: Zip the project, upload the (project) zip file and get a working web (URL) link. Share the link and let others view it naturally, by accessing the internet and clicking the link viewed within a web browser.
As a platform for other (supported) web files: Upload the file and get a link to it. For example css, js, png, jpg, svg, and other file types that you need to link for your web project.
We may charge a subscription fee so as to account for various costs of quality maintenance, improvement and compensation. Later on, we might create more web-applications to solve other problems which we believe can have simplified solutions. Hopefully, you find our solutions valuable to your workflow. Also for any custom requests or feedback, do not hesitate to contant us via our support email. Cheers.

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