HTML Markup/Content Editing Tool For Freelance Bloggers And Other Web Copywriters

By Mugabo Maurice
Updated 05 March 2023 • Published 15 October 2021

HTML and web copywriters—involved in writing blogs, news articles, online adverts, and much more—often need to deliver the final content in a ready-to-use format for the web. And what better deliverable format than Hyper-Text Markup Language, commonly abbreviated as HTML.

According to Wikipedia;

HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript.

Being able to quickly generate HTML markup/content becomes an advantage as it allows you, or any of your clients, to preview the content directly in your web browser. This provides a much better experience than say, writing content in word or text and converting it manually to HTML.

Upload And Create Editable HTML Webpage Templates. For Personal Or Commercial Use

We are working on an HTML Editor that lets you edit HTML markup/content directly in your web browser. It's that simple. But for this publication, let us compare and look at some of the advantages of using the HTML Editor in detail.

When to avoid using a CMS (Content Management System)

Using a CMS is one of the most common ways of producing content for the web. This involves the use of tools such as WordPress, Joomla and many others which mainly consist of Rich-Text editor or WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor that serves a purpose of creating content with ease.

However, using a CMS presents certain problems for instance;

  • Back-end access: For freelancers, it may not be possible to use a CMS on a client's website due to access rights and security when dealing with the back-end. Un-monitored access can lead to a wide variety of problems and it is wiser to disallow freelancers any of the access rights to a website's back-end, which may also involve limited access to a website's CMS.
  • Prohibited tags: CMS providers tend to put in place certain restrictions on usable content, for example the use of specific HTML tags like <script> may not be allowed in the content created. This is mostly due to security reasons but it may hinder actual use cases when the said HTML tags need to be used.
  • Limited content structure: CMS providers tend to stick to a specific formatting, for instance titles may be separated from text or other attachments by using different input fields. This limits content flexibility, say when creating an article with no main title, or only images and media, as the CMS may expect a specific content format for all content.
  • Inability to use CSS styles: Most CMS do not provide default support for using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) when working on webpage content. In many cases, one has to "hack" the CMS or go through multiple steps to enable the use of custom CSS class names in the content.

Even though using a CMS may provide powerful features, they are not always necessary and in some cases, plain un-usable, when creating content for the web.

Using the HTML Editor

The HTML Editor by PageSection lets you upload, edit and export HTML webpage content directly in your web browser. This lets you save time when creating HTML markup/content for the web.

Some of the main advantages include;

  • Full editor access (no back-end access required): The author does not need access to the back-end. Instead, one can simply upload an HTML template and start creating right away. You can also download any valid HTML website (using the "save as html" feature on your PC's web browser) and use the downloaded/saved webpage as your HTML template in the HTML Editor.
  • No prohibited tags: Support for all HTML tags, no restrictions. The HTML Editor also provides an HTML Tree to represent the element structure of the HTML webpage being edited. Feel free to add, move or delete HTML elements.
  • Flexible content structure: As with no limit on tags, and accessible element structure, there is no limit to the structure of your webpage content so long as it is valid HTML.
  • Ability to use CSS: All you need is to link or import the CSS file within the head tag of the HTML webpage. This lets you directly view how the content will be affected by the CSS within your web browser. Be sure to import the CSS of the target webpage so as to get a near accurate representation of the page content as it will would appear on the final page
  • Live HTML structure: The HTML Editor provides and HTML structure (tree-like) interface to represent the structure and changes made to the HTML elements in the document being edited.
  • Upload and edit custom HTML templates: Unlike most webpage editing software that limits you to specific templates, the HTML Editor by PageSection lets you edit any valid HTML webpage template that you upload regardless of where you got it from. This means you can even create and use, or download your own templates from elsewhere and edit them provided they are contain valid HTML.
  • Export (save or download) results: Content created or code (markup) generated in the HTML Editor can easily be saved and exported as a zip file download.
  • URL web links: Every PageSection project gets a free customizable URL web link that you can use to share or view the project in your web browser. Download links can also be created if and when required by the project owner.

To try out a free sample HTML Editor project, click here ( No login or signup required.

HTML templates

HTML templates are a common occurrence across web development, and more often, users need to edit the templates to provide specific custom value. This saves time by providing an easier starting point, allowing for much better productivity.

Due to the above reasons, sample HTML templates are also provided when using the HTML Editor. Starting with a more recent version (v2021.12), a Templates button has been added to the editor's main (landing) page. The templates will be gathered from a wide variety of sources with licenses that favor free personal or commercial use, and we hope to find more valuable templates that can be added to the current list.


If you are interested in the topic of this publication, be sure to check out the HTML Editor by PageSection today and let us know what you think about it. For support or feedback, contact us via and let us know how we can help or improve.

Kind regards.

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