Free Editable HTML Templates And Snippets

By Mugabo Maurice
Updated 24 February 2022 • Published 12 November 2021

This week (7th to 13th Nov 2021 as of writing) saw me make massive achievements in the process of building the HTML Editor by PageSection. This mainly involved the creation of HTML templates & snippets (available at, which with the help of the editor, have been packaged and presented as editable HTML templates & snippets.

Sample image of editable HTML templates using the HTML Editor


After witnessing the usefulness and success of other HTML template providers like Tailblocks and TailwindToolbox, I figured this could be a perfect way to attract and gain website traffic thus letting users experience the HTML Editor.

By creating free HTML templates and providing them as sample HTML Editor projects, users can get to customize/edit/modify templates directly within the web browser. This lets users test the usability of the HTML templates as quickly as possible, hence saving time.

So far, users can access Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap templates at the website. Both are very popular CSS front-end frameworks so hopefully they can be of value to as many users as possible. I have already created more than 50+ HTML snippets as a starter but may result to outsourcing the process so as to achieve as much quality and quantity as possible.

v2021.13 (updated bug fixes)

Upon release of v2021.13 of the HTML Editor, I was able to properly identify and fix a certain SVG related error in the programming which made it impossible to edit pages that used complex SVG tags. The main issue (as I learnt through my research with this link for instance) is SVG elements having a different implementation of the className property when using JavaScript. Needless to say that issue and a few others were fixed and the editor can now properly edit pages containing SVG elements. This proved useful when providing the HTML templates service.


Let us know what you think about the service. For support, feel free to contact us at with any feedback or queries. You can also recommend templates to be added or changes to be made in case of errors or bugs if identified.

Until next time, cheers.

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