Tailblocks, Tailwind Toolbox And Using The HTML Editor

By Mugabo Maurice
Updated 19 April 2022 • Published 15 March 2022

While working on PageSection in 2021, I came across Tailblocks (tailblocks.cc) on GitHub, which is a set of ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks and snippets developed and maintained by Mert Cukuren. It features a great UI/UX, includes both light-mode & dark-mode support and even theme color switching. I enjoyed using Tailblocks and immediately recognized the value.

Tailblocks screenshot
A screenshot of the Tailblocks website

Another cool website, which I discovered after further researching the target audience of other HTML template services, is Tailwind Toolbox (tailwindtoolbox.com) developed and maintained by Amrit Nagi. It features various HTML components, starter-templates, themes, templates and even tools relevant to the Tailwind CSS (tailwindcss.com) framework.

Tailwind Toolbox screenshot
A screenshot of the Tailwind Toolbox website

In my opinion, Tailwind Toolbox is one of the most successful indie projects given the amount of traffic and backlinks it gets on the web. Want to see for yourself, check out the site or visit its public web-analytics page and see the (very impressive) numbers.

A screenshot of the Tailwind Toolbox analytics page, (still) public as of 15-March-2022

Even more impressive is the fact that it gained much success and traffic without any promotion according to a tweet from the main developer. I would also like to give my thanks and appreciation to both the creator and the community of Tailwind Toolbox as one of my early 2021 submissions was accepted and featured in the starter-templates category on the website.

Edit & customize HTML templates with PageSection

Both Tailblocks and Tailwind Toolbox provide MIT licensed (free to use) HTML templates and snippets, and are quite successful despite being run by individual solo developers. With that inspiration, I decided to take on a new role and direction at PageSection, by focusing and providing free HTML templates and snippets that users can edit and customize online within the web browser. Users may find these content-editable templates useful when saving time creating HTML markup and content.

Upload And Create Editable HTML Webpage Templates. For Personal Or Commercial Use

Using Bootstrap, Bulma & other front-end frameworks

PageSection's editable HTML templates and snippets are not limited to a single CSS framework. As of the time this post was written, we have already provided for most of the popular front-end frameworks including Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3, Bulma, and a bunch of editable webpages. This is because the HTML Editor lets users upload and edit any HTML template with valid markup. We look forward to adding more templates and snippets for a variety of HTML/CSS frameworks in the future.

Upload And Create Editable HTML Webpage Templates. For Personal Or Commercial Use

Upload & create custom editable HTML templates

With PageSection, you can upload and edit your own custom HTML template(s). Sign up for a free account today, then upload and create editable templates for any of HTML website, blog or business. Just follow the steps below to get started with editing and using custom HTML website templates. Please note that back-end logic and JavaScript-heavy frameworks are not well supported due to their inconsistencies in HTML structure. Also make sure to include an index.html page in the custom HTML templates you upload.

Get HTML Project

Get HTML project files

This could be a website for a client, or for personal use. Get the necessary project files of the website to upload

Create Zip File

Place the files into a single zip file

Put the website (project) files in a single zipped (.zip) file, include an index.html at the "top" and not within another folder

Upload Zip File

Upload the zip file using your PageSection user account

Upload the zip file using our service to create a project and receive a link. Later you can edit or delete the project

Receive Web Link

Receive a web URL link for every uploaded project

After any successful project upload, you will receive a web URL link which can be used to visit or share the website

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