How To Deliver Websites To Clients And Link Web Projects Online

By PageSection Support Team
Updated 01 April 2023

Have you ever needed to show your client (or colleague, friends, boss or anyone) a web project that you have been working on? Need an online (live URL) link? Need to present a web-project (HTML, javascript, css, image, et cetera) without using localhost or domain name and hosting? Then you will soon find out that the solutions can be quite overwhelming, as shown here ( on another site, even though it is something common and very necessary. In this publication, we shall consider a few usable solutions that can solve the problem, ending with our very own service in detail.

Using a web-host and a domain name

Just like with actual websites, one can choose to pay for a domain name and a web-hosting service or even use an existing domain name and host so as to place the website files on the server and send the user a url link to the files on that server. This is great for the user as it feels more natural since it is how most websites are viewed. However the uploader should arrange the files carefully on the server, or even put them in a sub-directory or sub-domain only accessible by the viewer. If the server has multiple projects, then one should make sure that projects do not interfere with each other.

Advantages of this method

  1. Can work perfectly web-apps and websites as using url links and a web browser allows the end-user to experience the interactivity and user experience of the developed content.
  2. It allows identification of more errors, for example mobile responsiveness, as the product is used in a "production-like" environment.
  3. Feels natural since it is how most websites on the internet work.

Disadvantages of this method

  1. Requires technical skill. Not too easy.
  2. Takes some time to upload and set up files (and or sub-domains) on the web-hosting server.
  3. Web-hosting and domain names cost money thus not cheap.
  4. Can get tiresome if repetitive. Many steps involved.

Saving the site as an Image or PDF

Various browsers have various methods and ways of storing viewed web pages. So if you are interested in sending a static representation of you website, simply access the "save" or "save as" menu option and save the webpage as a pdf. You can also use the "print" functionality (depending on the web browser being used) and print a pdf file. For screenshots, most mobile devices (smartphones in particular) allow you to take screenshots which you can then store or send to other viewers while on non-mobile devices like desktops and laptops, one can use the screenshot keyboard-shortcuts (such as Windows+Shift+S on Windows 10 and above) to take screenshots. One can also use apps such as SnippingTool (on Windows) to take custom screenshots on personal computers. In addition, some web browsers allow the user to screenshot part of, or the entire, webpage and save it as an image.

For example Opera for desktop allows the user to screenshot the website being viewed.
For example Opera for desktop allows the user to screenshot the website being viewed.
  1. It is easy to do. Requires little skill.
  2. Quick thus saves time.
  3. Images and pdfs can be shared and opened easily.
  1. Cannot work for web-apps because web-apps are expected to be dynamic (not static) as they need to be highly interactive and perform dynamic functions.
  2. Difficult to identify certain errors such as poor mobile responsiveness. This is because an image or pdf does not respond the same way as an actual website.
  3. Feels "weird" as the user will not feel the same way they do when using an actual website.
  4. It can lead to more confusion as what you see may not be what you get. This can lead to dissatisfaction with the final version.

Screen sharing

The Covid-19 situation introduced a large majority of people to online video and voice telecommunication tools such as Zoom which helped in multiple sectors for example online education and video conferencing. Using that same logic, one can choose to present a website or web-app to other viewers by using a video communication tool to "share the screen" while using the developed product as a way of presenting both the design, experience and interactivity. This is actually a very good technique, and it also allows the developer to either remain with or submit the final developed product. Remote work and communication also allows people to work in their comfort zones.


  1. Since presentation is in live video, interactivity and other dynamic changes can easily be represented.
  2. Errors might be easy to identify since the presentation is on video.
  3. Live presentation which allows for better communication among involved parties.


  1. Might require extra costs, such as for the video communication.
  2. Requires all involved parties to have the telecommunication software and skills necessary to do the presentation.

Send them the code

This is very risky and should be avoided. Do not do this unless it was something you agreed to do in the first place. Sending the actual code craetes many problems for the (client) receiver especially if they are not programmers themselves. In the worst case scenario, the client might take the code and refuse to pay for it. It is a terrible move which ever way you put it. If you have to submit the project, and you expect payment, make sure you have legal protection just in case...


  1. The client gets to see and have the code.


  1. The client gets to see and have the code. This allows them to use it, or even distribute it, without your knowledge. Contracts and legal documents can help deal with such scenarios.
  2. The client needs technical knowledge to access, edit and use the code.
  3. The client might damage the code. You will then have to fix it or send another copy.
  4. It is a slow process. Preparing the code and sending it to the client takes up time.

Use an online (code editor or static page) service

The internet has multiple options to allow users upload and view their web projects. For example online code editors such as CodePen and JSFiddle allow users to do front-end programming and view the results within a web browser. These tools are actually useful for quick testing of front-end code as one can view the results immediately. They also allow for collaboration and sharing among web developers. Other services such as GitHub (GitHub Pages) were built to allow users to upload code which can then be viewed as a webpage for example HTML uploads can be set up in a way that allows them to be viewed like actual websites.

A screenshot of the editor. You can use online code editors to host your web projects for others to see.
A screenshot of the editor. You can use online code editors to host your web projects for others to see.

PageSection (upload and use our online services)

We created PageSection to allow you upload your web projects and get web url links. It's that easy, no configurations, no domain names, just upload and get the link you need. The link can be shared with whoever and you have the option to edit or delete the project. It does not get any easier than that. This can be particularly useful for web developers doing multiple projects, for example teachers and students of web development, who need a quick and easy way of presenting their websites and web applications (web-apps) to other users.

How To Upload And Link A Website
Website Templates ~ Client Websites ~ Personal Websites

Get HTML Project


This could be a website for a client, or for personal use. Get the necessary project files of the website to upload

Create Zip File


Put the website (project) files in a single zipped (.zip) file. Put them at the "top" and not within another folder

Upload Zip File


Upload the zip file using our service to create a project and receive a link. Later you can edit or delete the project

Receive Web Link


After any successful project upload, you will receive a web URL link which can be used to visit or share the website


  1. Quick. Just upload your project and get a url link.
  2. Easy to use. No special skills needed.
  3. Does not require domain names.
  4. Does not require server configurations. No need for sub-directories, robots.txt, .htaccess, and all that unnecessary stuff.
  5. Can be used for a wide variety of web projects. Link a file or an entire website.
  6. Uniform attractive links are created for each project for example for a "hello world" project.
  7. Feels natural to clients and other viewers. All they have to do is use the provided link.
  8. Perfect for temporary web projects. Create projects, upload, share, change or delete later. Giving you the freedom and peace of mind when working online.
  9. Free online support through our email in case you have any questions.


  1. No support for server-side (backend) programs, scripts or database logic. We only support frontend website resources like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

We hope you find this information useful. Have a great day.

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