Free Bootstrap Starter (Blog Post) Template To Edit & Download

A template from
Updated 06 September 2022 • Published 15 February 2022

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. The creators also provide official Bootstrap templates available at in the form of high-quality, well-curated, premium templates.

Official Bootstrap free samples are also provided at no extra cost. This allowed us to create an editable HTML template project using the 'Blog Template by Bootstrap' sample, provided under the MIT license (license file included in the project file download). Feel free to use it in your own web projects. For more information on the template, visit the relevant link(s) provided.

Edit the HTML template in the frame below by using the HTML Editor to apply various changes. Later, you can save the final results or export the project as a zip file download.

The template includes custom CSS styles

The template above uses an extra custom CSS file so be sure to check and confirm manually while making changes. This also means some parts of the template will differ from the default Bootstrap styles.

Credit & copyrights

Special thanks to the respective creators of the templates and resources being used. We make an effort to find and provide high quality free-to-use (MIT licensed) templates that anyone can use in personal or commercial projects. We also make an effort to provide back-links to the source website domain whenever possible. In addition, license files (if provided by the source) are included in the project zip file download when exported by the user.

Copyrights are property of their respective owners. In case of copyright claims or any ownership issues regarding this template and other resources used, contact us immediately using the email and we will sort out the issues as soon as possible.

How to create a custom editable HTML template

Would you like create & edit your own personal templates? PageSection allows users to upload a zip file containing HTML website template files (like the HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and create editable HTML projects. This lets you save time when creating HTML markup/content for various web projects.

Get HTML Project

Get HTML project files

This could be a website for a client, or for personal use. Get the necessary project files of the website to upload

Create Zip File

Place the files into a single zip file

Put the website (project) files in a single zipped (.zip) file, include an index.html at the "top" and not within another folder

Upload Zip File

Upload the zip file using your PageSection user account

Upload the zip file using our service to create a project and receive a link. Later you can edit or delete the project

Receive Web Link

Receive a web URL link for every uploaded project

After any successful project upload, you will receive a web URL link which can be used to visit or share the website

More to come

This publishing format is a new pivot in our blog content creation that will hopefully attract and provide as much value to as many users as possible. The strategy is to cover popular topics similar to the solutions we provide, such as popular HTML/CSS frameworks, templates, and many more to grow our user audience for products like the HTML Editor.

We will attempt to create a blog or article giving simple details on a variety of templates across different frameworks. This will help better explain the selected sample template, framework, source, creators, license and other related information, thereby exposing users to PageSection and encouraging the use of editable HTML templates.

Let us know what you think and don't forget to share this post if you found it useful. Cheers.

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