Pricing Card Using Tailwind CSS — Tailwind CSS Templates

A template from PageSection Templates
Updated 06 September 2022 • Published 26 February 2022

This template contains 3 variations of a simple pricing card. Feel free to pick one (by deleting the rest) or edit the class names. Use border to add borders onto a <div> element, then control the <div> colors by using one of the border-color utility classes e.g. border-gray-200 or other variations. For outer shadows, use one of the shadow styling utility classes for example shadow-md for "medium" outer shadows. For more information, check out the Tailwind CSS documentation.

Pricing card templates and snippets made using Tailwind CSS

Pricing cards are commonly used on websites to represent the price of a product or service especially among the SaaS industry. We provide an easy-to-use set of editable HTML templates made using Tailwind CSS, among which include a variety of pricing cards.

Bootstrap Icons - Free SVG icons

You may have noticed certain SVG elements being used within the templates above. These SVG icons were obtained from the free Bootstrap Icons ( website and are free to use under the MIT license. The template provided above is also free for download or use in any personal or commercial project.

Upload & create custom editable HTML templates

Sign up for a free account today, then upload and create editable templates for any of HTML website, blog or business. Just follow the steps below to get started with editing and using custom HTML website templates. Please note that back-end logic and JavaScript-heavy frameworks are not well supported due to their inconsistencies in HTML structure. Also make sure to include an index.html page in the custom HTML templates you upload.

Get HTML Project

Get HTML project files

This could be a website for a client, or for personal use. Get the necessary project files of the website to upload

Create Zip File

Place the files into a single zip file

Put the website (project) files in a single zipped (.zip) file, include an index.html at the "top" and not within another folder

Upload Zip File

Upload the zip file using your PageSection user account

Upload the zip file using our service to create a project and receive a link. Later you can edit or delete the project

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After any successful project upload, you will receive a web URL link which can be used to visit or share the website

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